Have a look at our Trademarks!

Protech (In Process)
ProRetail (R)
ProFin (R)
ProCreate (R)
ProGeny (In Process)

The trademarks above are hereinafter collectively mentioned as Protech Systems Pvt. Ltd.'s trademarks.
The absence of a product or service name or logo from the list above does not constitute a waiver of Protech Systems Pvt. Ltd.s trademark or other intellectual property rights concerning that name or logo.
By using an Protech Systems Pvt. Ltd.s trademark, in whole or in part, you are acknowledging that Protech Systems Pvt. Ltd. is the sole owner of the trademark. You acknowledge that you will not interfere with the rights of Protech Systems Pvt. Ltd. in the trademark in any manner whatsoever. The goodwill derived from using any of the Protech Systems Pvt. Ltd. trademark exclusively insures to the benefit of and belongs to Protech Systems Pvt. Ltd.. Except for the limited right to use as expressly permitted under these Guidelines, no other rights of any kind are granted hereunder, by implication or otherwise.

Guidelines on use:
The trademarks, service marks, trade names, and trade dress of Protech Systems Pvt. Ltd. are valuable proprietary assets. Please follow the guidelines listed below to help us protect our trademark rights and strengthen our brand identity. You shall not use any Protech Systems Pvt. Ltd. trademark in any manner other than that stated below.

  • Please use the appropriate ™, SM, or ® symbol in respect of each trademark on first use in any publication in India. For publications that will be distributed outside India, do not include trademark symbols but use the appropriate trademark attribution notice, for example: Protech registered in India.
  • Always spell and capitalize the trademarks of Protech Systems Pvt. Ltd. exactly as they are shown in the list above. Do not shorten or abbreviate the trademarks. Do not make up names that contain Protech Systems Pvt. Ltd. trademarks.
  • Please do not use a variation, phonetic equivalent, foreign language equivalent, takeoff, or abbreviation of any Protech Systems Pvt. Ltd. trademarks for any purpose.
  • Please do not use any Protech Systems Pvt. Ltd. trademark in connection with web sites, products, packaging, manuals, promotional/advertising materials, or for any other purpose except pursuant to an express written trademark license from Protech Systems Pvt. Ltd.
  • Please do not use any Protech Systems Pvt. Ltd. trademark in a manner that would imply the affiliation of Protech Systems Pvt. Ltd. with or endorsement, sponsorship, or support of a third party product or service.
  • Please do not manufacture, sell or give-away merchandise items, such as T-shirts and mugs, bearing any Protech Systems Pvt. Ltd. trademark including symbols, logos, or icons, except pursuant to an express written trademark license from Protech Systems Pvt. Ltd.
  • Please do not imitate the distinctive Protech Systems Pvt. Ltd. web site design, logos, or typefaces.
  • Please do not use or imitate an Protech Systems Pvt. Ltd. slogan or tagline. For example: “Building Bridges.....of Understanding.”
  • Please do not use an identical or virtually identical Protech Systems Pvt. Ltd. trademark as a second level domain name.